GSTA Election Notice

Notice is hereby given by the nominating committee of the Garden State Towing Association, Inc. that nominations are now being accepted for all positions of the Executive Board. All nominations must be submitted no later than July 31, 2024.

The committee will announce the slate of candidates no later than August 5, 2024

Any member interested in running for office must submit their nomination in writing to the GSTA office. Please mail your nominations to:

GSTA, PO Box 162, Morganville, NJ 07751


email to

Respectfully submitted,

GSTA Nominating Committee
Michael Salemme
Angie Haines

GSTA Bylaws

Article X
Not later than 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting at which an election is to be held, the President shall cause to be submitted to the membership a list of nominees for all officers. Nominations may be in writing. Officers’ elections shall be by secret ballot at the meeting.


October 2024 – Exact date/location TBD